SAMDARSHAN: Omnipotent Love Flows Horizontally
What is Samdarshan?
Samdarshan literally means Horizontal Philosophy which recognizes the inherent equal importance of all beings.
Why Samdarshan?
Samdarshan is developed as founding natural Horizontal Philosophy for a blissful society.
Dedication to Future
- Samdarshan is dedicated to future generations as a gift and a word of advise, from our world of today in the perilous grip of Vertical Philosophy.
- You already hopefully know the history of our times.
- It is hoped and prayed that Samdarshan is useful to you.
Foundational Works based on Samdarshan
- 40 Years Vision: Long term political vision.
- Horizontal Philosophy.
- MICEEE: Mobile Intentional Community for Enjoyment, Education & Enlightenment
- Slant Philosophy.
- Vertical Grip Land - Labor - Farming
- Vertical Philosophy.
- Zero Budget Horizontal Community.
- Zero Budget Horizontal Workshop.
- Zero Budget Rain Water Harvesting.