Why Sanskrit
- "Sanskrit" literally means "put together, well-formed, perfected"
- Sanskrit is also a language.
- We redefine as more general Recursive Acronym: Sanskrit Appropriate Natural Solutions, Knowledge, Research, Innovations and Technologies.
We draw inspiration from the following and similar successful noble initiatives.
FLOSS, FSF, GNU, Debian, BSDs and others
- https://www.fsf.org: The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote computer user freedom.
- https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/floss-and-foss.en.html
- https://www.debian.org/intro/why_debian
- https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/introduction/
- https://freebsdfoundation.org/about-us/about-the-foundation/
PicoLisp Philosophy
Perfection is attained
not when there is nothing left to add
but when there is nothing left to take away.
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
- Useful
- Simple
- Small
- Predictable
- Understandable
- Complete control
- Transparency: One knows everything about the internal machinery, because the internal implementation is drastically simplified to the core.
- Unifying by using the same syntax and philosophy all along the way. Unifying Language for Database and User Interface Development is a blessing.
Paradigms of Success in technology cooperation - On a technical note
- Recent radical philosophical frameworks and practical idealism by brilliant philanthropic visionary programmers in Computer Science and their ubiquitous fruits for global welfare in form of Free/Libre and Open Source Software FLOSS in general and PicoLisp Philosophy in particular provide a solid reason that there is still hope for humanity, provided we recognise the infinite potential of this "new paradigm of success of objective human ingenuity and global cooperation in and through CS/IT", and the urgent need to develop and scale, various innovative and transparent solutions by rising and synergizing beyond traditional academic boundaries, to heal life on Earth, that is almost facing extinction, on the most urgent and vital fronts such as food, biodiversity, simple living and cooperation etc. crucial for the very survival of life on Earth.
- These new CS/IT philosophical frameworks of cooperation and technology themselves can be generalized, combined and extended to define and make philosophical frameworks for almost all objective domains such as Free/Libre and Open Source Education FOSE, Free/Libre and Open Source Agriculture FLOSA, Free/Libre and Open Source Cooperation FOSC, and others. Here 'free' means freedom to explore, experiment and experience.
Needed Synergy of successful frameworks by Sanskrit
- Radical philosophical frameworks hold the key to survival and success at all levels, individual to global. What urgently remains to be explored is the synergy of such proven successful frameworks as a meta open philosophical framework.
- Such frameworks have existed for centuries, now there is urgent need to rediscover, redefine and extend them for present and future. Shining paradigm of such successful radical philosophical frameworks is Sanskrit which is universal in scope.
Sanskrit and PicoLisp
- In the spirit of clear and concise grammar and resultant useful power with universal scope of application, Sanskrit and PicoLisp are perfect match.
- With global welfare as its sole objective, https://sanskrit.org.in aims to play the role of such meta framework, powered by PicoLisp at its core to bring database based human and machine synergy to unlock immense value for all.
- With aim to give something vital and crucial to global society in the field of CS/IT education, agriculture, food and health by using PicoLisp to trigger mobile app and database based mentorships and internships, farm, food and health management for all levels from individual to community of students, farmers and hobbyists. This unique welfare initiative shall be based on Sanskrit extension of PicoLisp both in philosophy and literally much in the academic spirit of the Germany based Software-Lab.