Quick-start your spiritual Gita journey

Helpful Suggestions

  • Process knowledge in tune with reflection and introspection.
  • Later apply to scriptures such as Upanishads, Bhagavatam and possibly others.

Favorite Gita Verses list method

  • For purity and perfection it is advisable to follow the steps 1-9 in silence.
  1. Read complete Gita. Note verse numbers as list of verses you find appealing.
  2. Next read only the verses listed above, and note some more important verses as a filtered sublist.
  3. Repeat above step till you identify as few as possible verses that are most appealing to you. Let's call these as your favorite Gita verses.
  4. These favorite Gita verses are your entry points or guiding lights for entering the ocean of Gita nectar for Nirvana.
  5. Now focus on your favorite Gita verses. These are the verses that resonate with you, so it is better to go deeper into them.
  6. This should be easy but most important first step. Write many times, pronounce, chant and memorize your favorite Gita verses. Congratulations! You are all set now with divine grace.
  7. Again repeat these steps till you observe your favorite Gita verses list is not changing now. This list is your shorter version or seed of Gita in your heart now.
  8. Next let's build mutual insights among verses. Now you can analyse each of the favorite Gita verses list with other members of the list. This has dual advantages of needing less memorization while giving sharper focus.
  9. Now you can carve your own unique as signature path into the Gita with the grace of God.
  10. Sharing your unique experiences is never advised as everyone is unique and any resultant inadvertent or subconscious comparison with each other is not helpful on spiritual path.
  11. However, now you may share your insights with others to help each other. (Gita 10.9.)