+TITLE: Natural Solar Routine NSR

Win over Time by Sleep Management

  1. What if you could finally gain victory over chronic time shortage syndrome! What if you could always have enough or even more time than you could ever need for all what you ever wanted to do/give/achieve in life! It is finally possible in a matter of time it takes you in adjusting to the jet-lag.
  2. Sounds unbelievable but interesting?

Worry not, it is possible and naturally easy. You have come to the right place, just read on…


  • Version: 1.0.0 Updated 2011-06-09.
  • Authors: We all are "authors" in a sense of true open source creative commons spirit. Your inputs, comments and questions help in enhancing the material.
  • Disclaimer:
    1. This is a work/experiment in progress that merely scratches the surface of this vital aspect of our life.
    2. Please read the document completely, understand the spirit and adapt it to your own case with your own full responsibility for maximum benefits.

Why? My own reasons in 2 lines

Even though my time is not controlled by others because luckily I am jobless in conventional sense. I was the victim of the following two common maladies of civilization.

Acute shortage of time

I was suffering from an acute time shortage syndrome!

Very low work efficiency!

At the end of day not much was being accomplished by me.

Natural solution

I suspected some problem with my daily routine. No use of artificial lights was discovered as the natural solution as I worked on this issue with diligence.

Mercilessly dragged by clock!

  1. As we chase unnatural routines we are always dragged by the all powerful but invisible time.
  2. Even during waking up in morning we are dragged to end sleep, it is never smooth and pleasant. This leaves scars/wounds on psychology.
  3. Above factors result in all sorts of problems and lesser efficiency during day.

Why this material/book?

  1. Short and sweet answer is altruism or a desire to share with you all what has been a wonderful experience of a lifetime!
  2. And the long answer is to network with like minded friends to form online and offline communities.

Surprising lack of reference

There is a surprising lack of reference on this most important aspect of our lives. Perhaps the industrial society is in its very concept is unnatural. Therefore it will never favor the NSR: Natural Solar Routine in lives.

Mental peace is a state of consciousness

The ultimate aim of our existence.


  1. It is the sum and substance of the entire existence.
  2. Consciousness needs time and space to exist and expand.
  3. Consciousness is not the most important "resource", rather it is our life.

States of consciousness

Although they are essentially infinite as the states/layers/waves in an ocean, but the most basic ones are:

  1. Sleep
  2. Awake

Mainstream inertia/opposition

  1. Like every new idea this sleep pattern will also be opposed.
  2. This also does not fit the industrial (mass production factory worker) model.

Living with Sun: Only Sun light

  1. One uses natural light optimally when one does not use artificial lights.
  2. During the natural darkness hours one turns introspective. Working only during sun light makes one more efficient as there are fewer hours to finish the same work.
  3. Happily one realizes it is possible to do even more work than before. It is because one is working with better concentration and an inflexible/unstretchable/natural deadline.
  4. There is no urge to procrastinate if you are sincere to your routine, which you shall be once you have tasted the fruits!
  5. When one does not live in artificial lights one lives in "inner" light (Gita 5.24).

Slowly enter the night

  1. One must stop working when it gets dark after Sun set. This gives the body much needed rest and also the body sets into the "sleep preparation mode".
  2. Now one has about 90 minutes to recapitulate the day, make plans for next tomorrow, think about family, meditate, do spiritual practice, go for walk etc.
  3. Do not watch TV because the lights are off and TV glares into the eyes to disturb the on going "sleep preparation mode".

Slowly enter the day

  1. Just like the "sleep preparation mode" there is "work/day preparation mode" that sets in when one wakes up in the morning between 3-4 AM. Just like we do not sleep immediately after we stop working, similarly we do not jump to start work (or even put the lights on) immediately on waking up.
  2. Let the Sun light set in gradually at its natural pace. Our eyes need time to adjust and they are naturally tuned up with the Sun light's pace. The day does not light up in a sudden disturbing flash, it sets in gradually.

Recycle Time

  1. Yes, even time can be recycled!
  2. When one practices NSR, the strenuous (if one continues to work in artificial lights) 2-3 hours of night are transformed (recycled) in the 3-4 hours of morning.
  3. We get more time in the morning and even better quality. When we are in tune with her, mother nature rewards us doubly, we have more on both the fronts of quality and quantity.

Time management

Time management becomes central to manage our daily lives.

My sleep/wake diary

Sl. Date Wake-up Sleep(Day) Sleep(Night)
1. 2010-07-25 4:00 10:00-11:00 20:30
2. 2010-07-26 3:30 10:00-11:30 20:30
3. 2010-07-27 3:45 10:00-11:00 20:30
4. 2010-07-28 2:30 10:00-11:00 20:30
5. 2010-07-29 2:35 10:30-12:30 20:30
6. 2010-07-30 2:25 10:00-11:30 20:00
7. 2010-07-31 2:00 11:20-12:20 20:45
8. 2010-08-01 4:00 11:20-12:20 20:30
9. 2010-08-02 3:45 11:00-12:30 21:00
10. 2010-08-03 3:30 11:30-12:45 20:45
11. 2010-08-04 4:50 12:10-13:05 20:00
12. 2010-08-05 3:00 11:00-12:30 20:00
13. 2010-08-06 2:10 11:20-12:20 20:00
14. 2010-08-07 3:00 11:10-11:50 20:00
15. 2010-08-08 2:30 11:20-12:00 20:00
16. 2010-08-09 4:00 11:00-12:30 20:00
17. 2010-08-10 3:45 None 20:00
18. 2010-08-11 3:45 11:10-12:00 20:00
19. 2010-08-12 3:00 11:20-12:00 20:00
20. 2010-08-13 3:30 11:30-12:30 20:00
21. 2010-08-14 3:00 11:15-12:00 20:50
22. 2010-08-15 4:15 11:30-12:00 20:10
23. 2010-08-16 4:30 11:00-12:30 20:00
24. 2010-08-17 3:80 11:50-12:30 20:00
25. 2010-08-18 4:00 11:00-12:30 19:30
26. 2010-08-19 2:30 11:30-12:15 19:30
27. 2010-08-20 2:30 11:15-12:00 19:30
28. 2010-08-21 2:00 11:15-12:00 20:00
29. 2010-08-22 3:40 11:10-12:00 19:30
30. 2010-08-23 4:00 11:15-12:00 19:30
31. 2010-08-24 3:00 11:15-12:00 19:30
32. 2010-08-25 3:30 11:00-12:00 19:30
33. 2010-08-26 3:00 11:00-12:00 20:00
34. 2010-08-27 4:00 11:10-12:00 21:00
35. 2010-08-28 5:15 11:20-12:00 19:30
36. 2010-08-29 3:15 11:10-12:00 19:45
37. 2010-08-30 3:30 11:10-12:00 19:45
38. 2010-08-31 3:15 11:10-12:00 19:45
39. 2010-09-01 3:15 11:10-12:00 19:45
40. 2010-09-02 3:15 11:10-12:00 19:45
41. 2010-09-03 4:00 11:15-12:15 20:10

Take stock: Time audit

We need to audit in order to plan time management of our precious daily life.

My experience

Following seems to work for me. 1 Day = 24 hours = 6 hours (sleep at night) + 8.5 (awake) + 1 hour (sleep during day) + 8.5 (awake)

Discover your natural routine

In spite of all the conditioning and the circumstances we all are unique. Each one has a different natural time/sleep cycle at any given moment. If we discover and live according to our individual time/sleep cycle then we will be living in rhythm with nature and that will bring over all benefit to our lives.

This includes finer points like sleep(night)/wake(morning)/sleep(day)/wake(day)/food timings/work nature/health/age etc.


Manage the creative fountain

A torrent of creativity gushes out as chain of thoughts in morning so keep a scribble note-pad in mini-lamp (LED one with low brightness), torch, mobile, clock or even moon-light (near full moons!).

Phone management!

  1. Because the person maintaining this routine will have strong urge to have short, precise, very refreshing and deep sleep, it may be best to keep the phone switched off or on auto answering mode during the sleep hours.
  2. Also to enhance the over all time management I have requested all my expected callers to call me only during 6-8 PM in case they wish to talk to me on phone. Others I am informing them through email about my "phone incoming call timings". This is great help to concentrate creative work. Phone calls are intrusive random interrupts which can severely affect the productivity. This has been my experience your mileage may wary (YMMV).

No alarms just sweet reminders!

  1. As time becomes your friend its subtle nuances no longer raise frightening alarms to tighten you-up!
  2. No alarms just sweet reminders like position of moon, stars (including Sun), sounds of birds, routine vehicles, vendors etc. You could even set soft low volume music or musical "alarms" to mark 3/4/5/6/7 AM. This way you need not look at watch/clock and thus can concentrate on your favorite activity.


Win-start the day

  1. Win-start is defined to start every fresh day with a winner's psychology.
  2. Once you regularly achieve finish quickly in the mornings what use to be almost a full day's task, you will gain upper hand over the day. This positive winner psychology will set the ball rolling for the day at hand.

No media/TV distraction

Tighter discipline makes life self stream aligned rather than ruthlessly forced/coerced/tricked/cajoled/seduced to flow with the "mainstream".

Less tension

When you live life with creativity and contentment there will be bliss and certainly no tension!

Quality personal/me time

This is naturally needed to heal/grow on daily basis.


  1. Time is subtler than gross/physical world.
  2. Meditation automatically happens when one is conscious of Time and starts living in Time rather than merely physical/gross manner.


  1. Finally you can think (deeply) about your own life/self/actions/plans/creativity etc., rather than just react to external stimuli.
  2. Gain valuable perspective, because during the hum-drum of the day it is not possible to gain a bird's eye view of the drift in life. While in the quiet morning hours after a nice sleep it is possible.

Hobby & fun

Even for hobby and fun we need time.

Pending work

With surplus quality time in life there will be no pending work!

Peak/optimum efficiency

  1. Individual variation in circumstances/factors/events/work-load can lead to variation in sleep/wake timings.
  2. Work till you can work with full efficiency is the basic suggestion that is just plain common-sense. After that recharge for 45 minutes to an hour in day (Shavasana/sleep) and 6-7 hours in night sleep.
  3. Outcome: This means working at peak efficiency giving tremendous boost to productivity.
  4. One almost has 2 days in a single day. This means about 100% increase in available useful time!

Optimum stress level

You may ask "Can stress be ever useful?". Yes it can be. There is some thing called "optimum stress level" at which we work at maximum efficiency along with all other benefits to health etc. NSR sleep pattern seems to provide basis for this "optimum stress level" as is evident from experience.

Boon for elderly/senior citizens

  1. Loneliness is one of the important most important problems faced by the elderly/senior citizens. However, when one adopts early in life, the habit of NSR: "Natural Solar Routine" one is much less likely to feel the loneliness. Here is why. As per NSR one is living "alone" every day for at-least 3-4 hours as most average (not normal!) people watch TV, work in artificial lights, sleep late at night, sleep till late in morning, do not take 30-60 min break before lunch starting at 11 AM.
  2. So there is clearly a "social disconnect" with the peer group and/or family members as per NSR. This makes the person emotionally stable in the sense that one is equally adaptable to living with group and also alone, because one does it on daily basis. Therefore it becomes a habit.
  3. Opinions can be divided but there seems to be need per day of some dose of pure "me time" alone for healing/meditation/introspection etc.
  4. Being alone (circumstance) is not same as loneliness (psychological state) but willfully being alone daily as per NSR is likely to make one less susceptible to the miserable loneliness syndrome specially in the inevitable old age.
  5. Loneliness is not a problem, our psychological response can be the problem when we are forced to be alone. NSR prepares one's psychology when faced with the inevitable/eventual state of being alone.

Grip and Control over life

Once time is on your side, you shall find you have better grip and control over life.

Positive feedback loop

Better time management > more efficiency > more quality/outcome > success > happiness > better psychology > better time management > …

More frequent bowel motions

Lead to cleaner intestines. This again lays foundation for health. From personal experience, it seems the natural cycle for bowel motions is after every 12 hours. For example once in the morning at 4 AM and once in the evening at 4 PM.

Now there is time for these

Yoga, Pranayama and exercise etc

Morning/evening walk and Watch Sun rise/set


Night sky around 2:30 AM and onwards has less light noise and air pollution leading to clearer view of sky.

Effect of light on Health

Third eye: Pineal gland



Image source:

Pineal gland

1. Unlike much of the rest of the mammalian brain, the pineal gland is not isolated from the body by the blood-brain barrier system;[11] it has profuse blood flow, second only to the kidney. 2. In humans and other mammals, the light signals necessary to set circadian rhythms are sent from the eye through the retinohypothalamic system to the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and the pineal. 3. The secretory activity of the pineal gland is only relatively understood. Historically, its location deep in the brain suggested to philosophers that it possessed particular importance. This combination led to its being a "mystery" gland with myth, superstition and occult theories surrounding its perceived function.

(Quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pineal_gland).

Circadian rhythm

1. The SCN takes the information on the lengths of the day and night from the retina, interprets it, and passes it on to the pineal gland, a tiny structure shaped like a pine cone and located on the epithalamus. In response, the pineal secretes the hormone melatonin. Secretion of melatonin peaks at night and ebbs during the day and its presence provides information about night-length. 2. Several studies have indicated that pineal melatonin feeds back on SCN rhythmicity to modulate circadian patterns of activity and other processes. However, the nature and system-level significance of this feedback are unknown. 3. The circadian rhythms of humans can be entrained to slightly shorter and longer periods than the Earth's 24 hours. Researchers at Harvard have recently shown that human subjects can at least be entrained to a 23.5-hour cycle and a 24.65-hour cycle (the latter being the natural solar day-night cycle on the planet Mars).

(Quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circadian_rhythm)

Biological Clock in Humans

1. Early research into circadian rhythms suggested that most people preferred a day closer to 25 hours when isolated from external stimuli like daylight and timekeeping. However, this research was faulty because it failed to shield the participants from artificial light. Although subjects were shielded from time cues (like clocks) and daylight, the researchers were not aware of the phase-delaying effects of indoor electric lights. The subjects were allowed to turn on light when they were awake and to turn it off when they wanted to sleep. Electric light in the evening delayed their circadian phase. These results became well-known. 2. More recent research has shown that: adults have a built-in day, which averages about 24 hours; indoor lighting does affect circadian rhythms; and most people attain their best-quality sleep during their chronotype-determined sleep periods. A study by Czeisler et al. at Harvard found the range for normal, healthy adults of all ages to be quite narrow: 24 hours and 11 minutes ± 16 minutes. The "clock" resets itself daily to the 24-hour cycle of the Earth's rotation.

(Quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circadian_rhythm)

Light and the biological clock

1. According to a 2010 study completed by the Lighting Research Center, daylight has a direct effect on circadian rhythms and, consequently, on performance and well-being. The research showed that students who experience disruption in lighting schemes in the morning consequently experience disruption in sleeping patterns. / /2. The change in sleeping patterns may lead to negatively impacted student performance and alertness. Removing circadian light in the morning delays the dim light melatonin onset by 6 minutes a day, for a total of 30 minutes for five days.

(Quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circadian_rhythm)

Human health

1. A number of studies have concluded that a short period of sleep during the day, a power-nap, does not have any measurable effect on normal circadian rhythms, but can decrease stress and improve productivity. 2. There are many health problems associated with disturbances of the human circadian rhythm, such as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) and other circadian rhythm disorders. Circadian rhythms also play a part in the reticular activating system, which is crucial for maintaining a state of consciousness. In addition, a reversal in the sleep–wake cycle may be a sign or complication of uremia, azotemia or acute renal failure. 3. Studies have also shown that light has a direct effect on human health because of the way it influences the circadian rhythms.

(Quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circadian_rhythm)


Wikipedia: Lighting

Analysis of lighting quality particularly emphasizes use of natural lighting, but also considers spectral content if artificial light is to be used. Not only will greater reliance on natural light reduce energy consumption, but will favorably impact human health and performance. New studies have shown that the performance of students is influenced by the time and duration of daylight in their regular schedules. Designing school facilities to incorporate the right types of light at the right time of day for the right duration may improve student performance and well-being. Similarly, designing lighting systems that maximize the right amount of light at the appropriate time of day for the elderly may help relieve symptoms of Alzheimers Disease. The human circadian system is entrained to a 24-hour light-dark pattern that mimics the earth’s natural light/dark pattern. When those patterns are disrupted, they disrupt the natural circadian cycle. Circadian disruption may lead to numerous health problems including breast cancer, seasonal affective disorder, delayed sleep phase syndrome, and other ailments[15][16].

Quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighting.


 Lack of short-wavelength light during the school day delays dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) in middle school students.

 Figueiro MG, Rea MS.

 Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA. [email protected]


 OBJECTIVE: Circadian timing affects sleep onset. Delayed sleep onset can reduce sleep duration in adolescents required to awake early for a fixed school schedule. The absence of short-wavelength ("blue") morning light, which helps entrain the circadian system, can hypothetically delay sleep onset and decrease sleep duration in adolescents. The goal of this study was to investigate whether removal of short-wavelength light during the morning hours delayed the onset of melatonin in young adults.

 METHODS: Dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) was measured in eleven 8th-grade students before and after wearing orange glasses, which removed short-wavelength light, for a five-day school week.

 RESULTS: DLMO was significantly delayed (30 minutes) after the five-day intervention, demonstrating that short-wavelength light exposure during the day can be important for advancing circadian rhythms in students.

 CONCLUSIONS: Lack of short-wavelength light in the morning has been shown to delay the circadian clock in controlled laboratory conditions. The results presented here are the first to show, outside laboratory conditions, that removal of short-wavelength light in the morning hours can delay DLMO in 8th-grade students. These field data, consistent with results from controlled laboratory studies, are directly relevant to lighting practice in schools.

 PMID: 20150866 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Quoted from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20150866.

Effect of light on Spirituality

This is a big topic! See http://www.crystalinks.com/thirdeyepineal.html to start exploration!

Mainstream (Herd) versus Nature

Best may be to explore what suits you.

Be your own master

  1. Break free from routine, be independent, be your own master. Live by yourself. No artificial/forced hurry, just your own natural pace.
  2. Breaking away from herd may mean that you do not fit the rigid industrial society. This is natural and has individual variations. Whereas industrial design is based on the notion of forced (unnatural) mono culture (one size/routine fits all under compulsion/conditioning).

Society pulls towards averages

Any interaction with the society pulls one towards socially accepted routine/behavior. But these often manipulate and control and thus are often unnatural. For example late night work or watching TV can be termed as "normal" when in reality it is just the social average, while being exactly unhealthy/unnatural for being against solar routine.


  1. Although one can reap huge numerous benefits of solar routine even if implemented "imperfectly". Imperfect in the sense of being partially socially disconnected with the immediate peers/family.
  2. Industrial market driven society has affected both the family structure and routine resulting in an unnatural and dangerous mono-culture including nuclear family.
  3. For perfect solar routine one has to necessarily divorce from the unnatural nuclear family design.
  4. Samvargam/JHF provides platform for "creative independence" by redefining the family structure. Conventional nuclear family is leading to "destructive coupling" of individuals.

Green life

  1. You will be consuming lesser amount of energy (AC/TV/Computer/Lights etc.) in the morning hours as one simply does not feel like using them.
  2. Whereas 8 PM onwards one must switch on the lights etc. There must be deeper natural reason why this is so, but it is so.

3 Earth hours every day!

One can save electricity for up-to 3 hours per day thereby having cleaner conscience and contributing to the environment. This is so because in the morning hours one can manage the meditation, yoga/exercise etc without electricity also.

Best of all worlds

Combined multiplied effect of these 3 factors is simply over whelming.

  1. More time
  2. More efficiency
  3. Cleaner consciousness


There are many inspiring quotes on Time.

Solar animal

"Human is a solar animal." (A deliberate punch on 'man is a social animal').


  1. Ya nisha sarvabhutanam tasyam jaagriti samyami Yasyam jagarti bhutani sa nisha pashyato mune (Bhagavad Gita 2.69).
  2. That which is night to all beings, in that state (of Divine Knowledge and Supreme Bliss) the God realized Yogi keeps awake, and that (the ever changing, transient worldly happiness) in which all beings keep awake is night to the seer.
  3. Along with "higher" interpretations this verse is equally applicable to "ordinary" sleep on physical plane.

Catch Time from front

"Time can only be caught from front not from behind."

  1. A simple example: It is easily possible to walk and be in the train just if you are in time. Whereas just one second after the train starts to move it becomes a very difficult/dangerous task to catch it.
  2. Same is the situation with most of the events/tasks in life.

Heights great (wo)men

Heights great (wo)men achieved were not by sudden flights, but by toiling in night while their fellow (wo)men slept.

Random points

Sleep your way to top, Sleep for success, Success is as easy as sleep!

Artificial light is harmful to eyes, consciousness and mind.

Easy to take bath in morning. Even in winters, earlier one takes bath, fresher one emerges and day starts in full earnest early.

Keep windows open at-least near head for night long Pranayama! You wake-up fresh.

Challenge/Key lies not in waking up but in sleeping on time early.

Sensitivity increases to sounds of first bird/vehicle etc.

Living in time versus living in space/material/gross.

Life is also measured primarily in time as an example "They lived for 100 years", "They lived happily ever after" etc.

Present routines are disastrous, but fortunately can be corrected immediately.