Educational Excellence - The Sixfold Way

Achieve Worthy Excellence with the Sixfold Path: VYAKTI-ABHIVYAKTI

Truthfulness is the base

Proven Sixfold Path SVCTEW to Achieve Worthy Excellence


S: Spirituality

  1. All Scriptures. Truth. Surrender. Devotion.
  2. Gita: Triguna drishti.

V: Values

  1. Excellence, Friendship and Respect.
  2. Four Paralympic Values: Determination, Equality, Inspiration and Courage.

C: Character

Positivity, fearlessness, boldness, perseverance, tolerance, patience, forbearance, thoughtfulness, cheerfulness and helpfulness


T: Techniques

T3: Tree, Table, Test

Capture information in simple, irreducible, compact and lucid manner.

Test driven development

Computer Science: Test and evolve your programs.

  1. People.
  2. Organizations.

BMM: Beautiful Mind Maps - Perfect Understanding

E: Excellence is the natural inevitable outcome

Know that your talent manifests best in doing what you enjoy most. Follow your passion and joy. Excellence, success, brilliance and bliss are guaranteed!

W: Welfare

Welfare of others/self is possible only upon excellence achieved by SVCTE.

4 Qs: SQ + EQ + PQ + IQ = Happiness and Success = Complete Personality

  1. Spiritual Quotient (SQ): Being Spiritual
  2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): Emotion
  3. Physical Quotient (PQ): Physical Health
  4. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): Intelligence

Love: Mothers' role in Education

"The influence and teaching of the educated mother is all for righteousness; and the formation in her children of character, based on self-control and self-sacrifice, the daily object of her life."

  1. Education for all.
  2. Educate mothers for upbringing children.